Meeting Date 10-30-2023

All Along the Watchtower to Zion:  Who’s Watching the Watchers?

Dr. Aubrey L. Glazer, is honoured to serve as Senior Rabbi of Beth Abraham Synagogue (Dayton, Ohio), and has served communities across the coasts as well mentoring for rabbinic students from diverse seminaries. Aubrey is also founding director and editor in chief of Panui: a think tank devoted to modern and contemporary Jewish mysticism in a dynamic and authentic way (see: As a graduate of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, Aubrey co-led Jewish meditation retreats at Makor Or with Zoketsu Norman Fischer as well as teaching Zohar in the Philosophy Circle of Lehrhaus under the direction of Daniel C. Matt. Aubrey’s recent publications on contemporary philosophy and theology include “God Knows Everything is Broken: Bob Dylan’s (Gnostic) Americana songbook” and Merest Breath: Nee translation and commentaries on Qohelet” along with other publications can be viewed here:


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